February 9, 2008

My Son Turns 5 Later This Year

My son turns 5 later this year and I was trying to decide how many kids we should reasonably invite to his birthday party.


I guess the answer is 16.

Sometimes the internet is retarded.

To my brother: I'll bet you $5 that you won't be able to resist clicking on the above. Just let me know.


Anonymous said...


clicking through to the 5 yr old quiz takes you to a site called "justsayhi.com" which appears to be some sort of dating site. i only know this, because after i finished the quiz and clicked the link to get my score, it took me to the site's home page, i assume because i wasn't logged in or some such thing...

which leads me to my real point here....

are you, or have you ever been, a member of justsayhi.com?

Ryan said...

I am being dragged through the mud yet again. I know what Barack must feel like! Vast left-wing conspiracy!

In fact, I have not ever been a member of justsayhi.com.

Nor did I ask Brian McNamee to inject my wife with steroids.

Anonymous said...


i'm just annoyed that i never got to find out how many five year olds i can take...i went through the quiz twice and each time when i got to the end i just got redirected to the justsayhi.com web site...

i'm thinking at least 20 though...