May 7, 2008

I Think I Accidentally Wrote a Book

It's surprisingly hard to figure out how many words there are in an average book. Googling the question gives unsatisfying answers.

In any event, by mucking around online and counting words on pages in 3 books, I determined that, roughly, you have maybe 250 words on a page (but I got as many as 400 for books with smaller typefaces and larger pages, and we're still talking trade paperbacks, so I'm sure some books have more). If you figure 200 pages is a book, that's 50,000 words or so. Figure blank pages, chapters, etc., and maybe 45,000 words or so. A book length piece of writing is between 45,000 and about 125,000 words.

And I just checked WORD COUNT in WORD to see how many words I've posted here, and it's roughly 43,000.

(no wonder I feel like I don't have anything interesting to say anymore)

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